Sunday, 13 May 2012

Experiment 3: The Bridge

Mashup Draft 1

The Power of Communication

 Communication is one of the world's most well known sources of power recognizable throughout the world. It provides a model of marketing power and has transcended national borders and cultural barriers to reach almost everyone on earth.  This omnipresent image of socialising and continuing to stay in touch with the world through social media has  continued to penetrate further around the world; expanding into other territories and increasing its world dominance with over a century of history behind it.

 Although communication through the use of technology has helped progress our current world we must be aware that technological creation has a power that should concern all of us; a source of power that as undisputed as it would be frightening that should worry us all. There are sources of power in the world that are accountable to no one operating with apparent immunity from the law and with their power continually growing the only real alternative left open to us is to either beat a retreat into a self-imposed disconnected world or total surrender entering into a self-imposed exile as to step in would be a futile exercise. The hyperbolic pace at which technology moves is no match for reason and therefore as the price we pay the rest of the moral world has limited powers and resources to pursue force to fight for the rest of us that have surrendered our identity.

 In the future socialising must be a powerful leader in its field of communication. Its global reach which has established a presence in the world we know promises to be a future in the highly competitive world which believes “'We're going to get killed here unless we get bigger”. Through the power of communication businesses have continued to grow within this world of hit or miss existence therefore extending their reach. By utilising the power of communication as a way to gain more leverage socialising businesses have appeared destined to remain a major force in an area that holds great promise for the future.

For this first mashup draft i focussed on the power of connecting people through communication. I explored how communicating is a powerful tool within the world while also speaking of the worrying concerns associated with the power of words and the technological future future of communicating we face. The mashup is quite long and needs to be cut down dramatically. The three different articles used within the mashup must also be intergrated within each other to provide a distinct and significant approach to power instead of 3 separate distinct paragraphs.


The Power of a Brand

Bob Zurn

Facebook's power should worry us all

Julian Lee

Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.

Funding Universe

Chosen Australian Valley

The valley i chose was the Twin Falls Valley; located in Kakadu Wildlife Park, Australia due to its unique flow of greenery, rock and water.
-I chose this valley as it was a unique mixture of rock, water and greenery.

One Point Perspectives

 Power words and sketch perspectives correspond from left to right.

Model 1: Middle, Solid, Muscular

Model 2: Guarding, Protecting, Dominating

Model 3: Controlled, Vulnerable, Weak

Model 4: Compelling, Coercive, Empowered

Model 5: Monumental, Great, Influential

Model 6: Directing, Ruling, Controlling

Further work is needed on my crysis environment to further encapsulate the experience of being within Twin Falls Valley, Kakadu.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brandon, I can see in your mash up that you have some interesting key points such as dominance and power. Your power theme seems to overwhelm your other theme. Not sure if that was planned or not hahaha. You probably need to cut your mash up down into like 1 paragraph because for me, its bit too much in my opinion. Otherwise, great work ! :)
