Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Monumental Aggregation

Emulation of the horizontal and low scale exterior by controlled light explores the discreetness and invisibility of the architecture.


Parallell Projection

Google Sketchup Model

Placement of vertical framing provides a grand climatic approach to the filtering of light.

Parallel Projection







Google Sketchup Model

Mimicing nature's forms through the dispersal and fragmentation of light provides an integration with nature and envelopment by the landscape.

Parallel Projection





Google Sketchup Model

Monumental Aggregation within my Crysis Environment

 To test my aggregated models within my crysis environment i exported my 2nd aggregation. It took me a few hours to complete this task as i was having difficulcties with my exportation path due to where i was saving my versions of crysis. I placed my aggregation where i felt it was most appropriate, giving it a climatic approach through the sculpturing of the environment to the vertical rise of the design model. I am yet to decide which model to continue with; whether aggregation 2 or 3 as I am having trouble deciding how to intergrate aggregation two into the environment as shown in the uploaded tutor slide shows as aggregation 3 has more possibilities regarding intergration into the surrounding environment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brandon, nice to see youre being self-critical.

    My personal feel would be that aggregation 3 has the most potential as it is the most multi-directional out of the whole set. Think of it similar to aggregation 2 as youve shown on the crysis shots, but imagine the potential of descending and spiralling down at the same time, turning left and right, alternating between being enclosed and being exposed to the outside world.
