Saturday, 23 June 2012

Experiment 3: The Bridge- Final Submission

 In a highly competitive future where one is killed unless it gets bigger only a thin bridge of moral judgement separates well known recognizable forces which remain as a leading overlooking presence in society from dominant influential icons who in an attempt to gain leverage and continue to grow at whatever the cost lose everything as the price for pushing beyond unsupported limits of self control in search of undisputed power.

 The final submission consisting of a bridge of moral judgement, headquarters for the powerful coorporations Cocacola and Facebook as well as a meeting place in which their respective directors are transported to by elevators replicates the need for moral judgment and supported self control when attempting to acquiring power. My bridge spanning the treacherous yet breathtaking Twin Falls of Kakadu symbolises the safe path of moral judgement and the self control required to cross everyday power related decisions therefore ensuring one does not fall off the edge of morality to their depths as a result of pushing boundaries of power beyond unsupported limits of control.

 The headquarters of Cocacola represents an overseeing dominant force in the world which handles their power with the morality and self control required to be truly successful. Its securely supported position on the cliff ledge above the bridge reinforces the strength and solidness of its influential power over the rest of society. The design of the roof replicating the Cocacola logo symbolises the flow of effortless power which is extended over the rest of humanity and the clean solid stairway leading up to the enclosed transparent office above demonstrates the solid power resulting from moral self control which enables one to oversee and influence the rest of the world.

 The sprawled weakly supported headquarters of facebook which hangs off the elevated cliff face of Twin Falls symbolises the fear and dangers of chasing power without any moral self control. The dangerous decent from the bridge of moral judgement above involves stairs and narrow plane surfaces only just wide enough for one to walk on; therefore expressing a fearful experience associated with making power hungry decisions as one is forced to look down upon the tracherous cliff drop below which awaits them if they continue to make the wrong judgements.

 The open atmosphere of the facebook headquarters demonstrates the inability for one to push extremes of power and gain leaverage over others while hiding from the rest of the world avoiding the consequences of their lacking self control and morality.

 The meeting place situated on the edge of the waterfall cliff face reinforces the imortance of morality and the dangers of pushing boundaries of power beyond capable limits to gain undisputed dominance over others. The open atmosphere in which directors meet for lunch further evokes exposure to the consequences which await them if they take advantage of their influence over society and use their power to munipulate others and gain leaverage.

 The dining table in which the directors meet symbolises the difference between the well supported judgment of Cocacola and the weak morality of the Facebook corporation. It is seen however through the dining table that both corporations require each other to remain standing with Cocacola pressuring facebook to remain moral and facebook ensuring Cocacola remains honest and grounded with the rest of the society.

 The gradual decent of the Twin Falls Kakadu from the stable elevated lake above to the tracherous waterfall drop below reinforces the gradual decent of morality which awaits those who are driven not by moral judgment but by the hunger for unequivalent power and dominance over the rest of the world. The overlooking position of the bridge and headquarters justifies the benefits of staying moral and not pushing limits of power beyond control as the one who remains moral will always be able to see the rest of the world clearly while the one who loses themself in a quest for power will be lost forever. 


Cocacola Elevator Flowchart


Facebook Elevator Flowchart


Final Google Sketchup Model

Link to Final Google Sketchup Model


Link to Crysis Environment

(First file is compressed levels folder, second file is final submission crysis environment)


Lecture Test Results

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