Friday, 27 April 2012

A Change of Thought

 Deciding that aggregation two limited my options for fulfiling this task I decided to change direction and work with aggregation 3 which seemed more flexible with alterations which must still be made. My first set of alterations are shown within the first set of images and my second set of alterations the second set of images. I'm sure i can stretch the model vertically a bit to fulfill the depth of the cliff created in my crysis environment but i am not sure whether to horizontally stretch my model, space it out and snake it around my environment like past students as i feel it might compromise conceptual ideas.

First Alterations

2nd Alterations

 Through discussion with my tutor I have come to the decision to continue working with my first set of alterations as it provided me with the most options moving forward regarding ways to define two monuments and a meeting place instead of one big 'sandwich' as it may appear in the images of my 2nd alterations above.

1 comment:

  1. Brandon, the first alteration seems more convincing as the second one is squashed like a sandwich. If you want to use the second one, think about how you want to push/pull it apart so it forms two monuments and a meeting place in the middle.

    Nows the time to begin thinking about your three spaces.
